Hello, I'm a software engineer based in Brazil!
Renato Marques Teles
JavaScript Engineer ( React / React Native / Node.js )
I'm passionate about building beautiful and responsive interfaces and amazing user experiences. I've worked with various clients and collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver successful projects. My last big project was to fully develop and deploy the interface of a credit card related platform for VExpenses, a startup focused on managing corporate expense reimbursements. Also, my GitHub profile contains more than 100 repositories of side projects I have built along the way.
My portfolioBio
1995Born in Franca (SP), Brazil.
2018-2019Worked at SMN IT.
2020Completed the GoStack bootcamp program by Rocketseat.
2020-2021Worked at VExpenses.
2021Completed a Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering at Franca's Municipal University Center (Uni-FACEF).
2023Completed the Ignite React bootcamp program by Rocketseat.
2023 to presentWorking as a freelancer
I ♥
When I'm not coding, I like to hang out with my friends, go to the gym, play soccer, watch TV shows and movies, and play video games.